TCOS is proud to be your Certified Smart Salter here in the Twin Cities. When it comes to our Minnesota winters, our number one priority is keeping your property and facility open for business while implementing safe, effective snow and ice removal practices.
Last month, our sidewalk crews participated in the 2022 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Smart Salter Training. During this training they learned best practices to assess salt use and take steps to minimize it while maintaining safety.
Smart Salting training helps improve operator effectiveness and reduce chloride pollution while keeping roads, parking lots, and sidewalks safe. Participating organizations have been able to reduce their salt use by 30 to 70%. And the training has been shown to prevent chloride contamination in bodies of water. (1)
We provide professional sidewalk and snow removal services for large retail and corporate campuses across the Twin Cities. Your property deserves to have one dedicated sidewalk supervisor and team. Our One Property = One Team approach ensures efficiency, timeliness and consistent quality control. A sense of pride and ownership develops when the same sidewalk team is assigned to your property for the entire winter. Click here to learn more about our snow management services or to request a bid.
(1) MPCA Smart Salter Training:
Take the next step to get prepared
Request A Bid(But we are going to provide you with more than that)